Prioritize Stability in Fundamentals
IDAC India is a professionally managed Institute providing Dispute Resolution established in January 2016 having its presence in Vadodara, Mumbai & Delhi. Promoted by arbitration practitioners and advised by an eminent Advisory Committee IDAC India is committed to providing effective and quality ADR services to Indian and overseas Parties.
Modern Business requires prompt resolution of disputes with fewer complexities instead of time consuming & extensive court procedure. Responding to this need of time is the Vision behind IDAC India
Outstanding claims & receivables profoundly affect financial health of your business – effective conflict resolution has comprehensive advantages to your business
Simplify dispute resolution
Time & Cost Efficacy
Expert Advise & Assessment
At IDAC India we provide dispute resolution guidance in particular in matters of arbitration between two Indian Parties or between Indian parties and foreign parties.
Refer to our Rules of procedure for important information like establishment of Arbitral tribunal, Commencement of Arbitration for Arbitration between Indian Parties or where either party is foreign or Virtual Dispute resolution
IDAC India charges nominal fees strictly adhering to recommended fees structure as per Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 in its latest amendment.
Parties are encouraged to adopt IDAC India’s model clause for their Contracts to avoid appointment related difficulties in the event of differences regarding the arbitrator to be appointed.
How to initiate Arbitration at IDAC India?
If the agreement contains an arbitration clause, in which the parties have agreed to apply IDAC India Arbitration Rules, then the party which requires to start the arbitration can refer the dispute to IDAC India.
Parties can also agree to enter into a separate Agreement submitting their dispute to IDAC India. Advocates can also propose institutional arbitration at IDAC India
In addition to Arbitration, IDAC India also provides other formal non-adjudicative processes such as Conciliation/mediation, Neutral Evaluation in early stages of disputes and advises on dispute resolution
Recent developments in Arbitration