Recent developments in Arbitration

  • By virtue of the 2019 Amendments to Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 Section 3A is inserted which empowers Hon’ble Supreme Courts & High Courts to designate Arbitral Institutions

ADR/ODR Institutions are uniquely positioned to track developments within the ADR landscape and advance good practices being followed internationally and remove lacunae in administering Arbitrations that end up wounding in court defeating some of the reasons parties opt for ADR

IDAC India has represented some such issues in Parliamentary Committees and recommended statutory changes that will increase industries use of Arbitration


Early case assessment and Advisory

  • With development in Law & practice for addressing your disputes multiple ways to deal and many processes have also emerged.
  • At early stages Parties and even lawyers are evaluating the pros and cons of their case and IDAC India strives to provide a neutral 360 degree advise keeping in mind the legal and technical landscape relevant to your case